Smoking is a global hazard. In fact, it is one of the primary causes of preventable premature deaths in the world. The number of smokers continues to increase, comprising people of different ages, gender, and races. Smoking a cigarette, cigar, pipe, Shisha, Huqua, and the other uses of tobacco like tobacco sniffling and chewing tobacco are all addictive and dangerous. The nicotine that is present in a tobacco smoke is the prime cause of addiction as it increases the brain levels of chemicals such as Endorphine and Dopamine. These chemicals provide the smoker sense happiness, the reason why they always crave for tobacco. A tobacco smoke is consists of more or less 4, 000 chemicals, wherein 200 of them are known to be poisonous, and 60 are cancer causing. Tobacco smoke causes the hardening of the blood vessels, which leads to stroke and heart attack. In addition, it contains carbon monoxide that decreases the levels of oxygen in the blood.
In addition, cigarette smoking poses high risk of developing various chronic disorders which include lung diseases and cancer. One of the main reasons for smoking-related deaths is Atherosclerosis. It is a progressive hardening of the artery which is caused by the fatty plaque deposits, as well as the thickening and scarring of the walls of the artery. The inflammation in the walls of the artery and the blood clots obstructs the blood flow. On the other hand, oxygen decreases the supply of oxygen to the heart, which leads to an increased heart rate and blood pressure. At the same time, it damages the cells lining the arteries and the clotting factors in the blood increases. The risk of having a heart attack becomes higher when a person continues to smoke for a long time. Those who consume a pack on a daily basis have two times risk to have a heart attack compared to non-smokers. And for those patients who have been diagnosed to have a heart disease have an increased risk of death which includes sudden cardiac death.
One reason why smokers have been addicted to cigarette smoking is because they have been conditioned with the pleasurable effects of it, making it a part of their daily life. This is just like having a cup of morning coffee. Those who have been addicted to it, despite knowing all the deadly effects of smoking don’t stop. They always crave for that same old taste and feeling that makes them feel “good”. What they actually failed to realize is that, the moment they allowed themselves to be drowned with smoking, they have already committed suicide. They have put themselves into a lifetime suffering. Some of smoking effects may not be immediately visible but the harm it brings to the body in every puff sums up until when the time comes that you have to suffer the consequences. The only escape to smoking is to never face it, never entertain the idea of smoking, and don’t let it consume you. It’s a sin to commit suicide, thus, it will always be a sin to smoke.
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