of all, one has to be practical considering how difficult the
economic situation is. If you want to save money, quit smoking.
Simple. Can you imagine how much money do you spend just for a
cigarette everyday? Try to calculate that amount every month, then
every year. Big enough right? Can you imagine what you can buy with
that amount? Many people believe that smoking is cheaper than other
vices there is, but have you thought of the long term effect? You
definitely know that smoking can trigger so many diseases. When you
get sick, can you imagine how much money are you going to spend for
your hospitalization and medicine? You still have time to calculate.
health is wealth. This is a cliché that will forever remain true.
Let us say that you are a
person who have high hopes and dreams. You want to be rich, to have
your own business and make
it big in everything but you do not want to quit smoking or maybe not
trying hard to do so. Do you think smoking will make you successful?
Definite not. We will have
the chance to do anything, everything as long as we are in a healthy
condition. Being healthy
will always be an opportunity for us to push ourselves to do great
things. Now, think about
your future without puffing.

save lives. If you do not care about your own life, care about those
lives around you. For sure, they have brighter and bigger plans for
themselves, do not hinder them from achieving those things. Every
puff feels good, right? But do you realize that in every puff, you
let those harmful and killer
chemicals rule over inside
your body and eventually destroy it? And
every time you exhale that smoke coming from that cigarette stick,
you are trying to kill another person? Do you also know that
second-hand smokers, those who receive what you exhale sometimes die
faster than you? It is because the smoke you exhale is more than the
smoke left inside your body. Now,
at the least be concerned.

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