truly cigarette is? This is the question most user and non-users
frequently ask. Yet there are these reasons why cigarette, e cig or
pipe tobacco are made. Even you as a non-smoker tried to know what
are the advantages and disadvantages of smoking. The smoker has a lot
to do when talking about tobacco.
you heard about the new trend? Scientific innovations are not
centered only on gadgets like phone and anything that used for self
pleasure. Innovation also made to find solutions and alternatives to
save someone for something. Yes, I am talking about cigarette and
though we all know about what the trend may bring to you or to me or
even to us, it is still questionable most especially in our society.
The trend is a word that describes new and viral. In cigarette
smoking, electronic cigarette is also made to all users or non-users.
Why? First, users help themselves to quit smoking while second, they
help non-smokers not to inhale smoke from regular cigarettes. That is
how powerful e cigs are.